HTML+CSS实现“纯 CSS 假日主题折叠卡”
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<h2 class="card-front__heading">
City break
<p class="card-front__text-price">
From £29
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<h3 class="inside-page__heading inside-page__heading--city">
For urban lovers
<p class="inside-page__text">
As cities never sleep, there are always something going on, no matter what time!
<a href="#" class="inside-page__btn inside-page__btn--city">View deals</a>
<!-- Card: Ski -->
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<h2 class="card-front__heading">
Ski trip
<p class="card-front__text-price">
From £199
<div class="card-front__bt">
<p class="card-front__text-view card-front__text-view--ski">
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<h3 class="inside-page__heading inside-page__heading--ski">
For snow lovers
<p class="inside-page__text">
Love snow? Why not take up exciting ski-in sessions and hit the slope?
<a href="#" class="inside-page__btn inside-page__btn--ski">View deals</a>
<!-- Card: Beach -->
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<h2 class="card-front__heading">
Beach time
<p class="card-front__text-price">
From £229
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<h3 class="inside-page__heading inside-page__heading--beach">
For sun lovers
<p class="inside-page__text">
Relax and get sun-kissed tan in the sea or take up surfting for an adventure!
<a href="#" class="inside-page__btn inside-page__btn--beach">View deals</a>
<!-- Card: Camping -->
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c0.4,0.6,1,1,1.7,1h50c0.7,0,1.4-0.4,1.7-1C56.9,52.8,57,52.4,57,52.1z M34.7,49.8C34.2,50,32.1,50,30,50s-4.2,0-4.7-0.2
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v16.7c-3.9,0.9-6.9,4.4-6.9,8.6l0,4.3c0,1.7,0,2.9,0.2,4H8.5L13.1,42.1z M38.7,50.1c0.2-1,0.2-2.3,0.2-4l0-4.3
<h2 class="card-front__heading">
Camping trek
<p class="card-front__text-price">
From £129
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<h3 class="inside-page__heading inside-page__heading--camping">
For nature lovers
<p class="inside-page__text">
Get your boots on for some hiking and explore all the beautiful scenery of nature!
<a href="#" class="inside-page__btn inside-page__btn--camping">View deals</a>
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<p class="footer-text">© 2021 Created by Maza designDev</p>
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